I realised that my side panels are awfully out of date. Even some of the links are no longer exists. I'll do something about it once I feel like. But I do have to give myself some credits. I changed the layout of this blog recently. Hehe, it wasn't anything near challenging level.
Today is St Patrick Day. One of very few public holidays in ROI. Basically, it is a ay to remember the Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. All I know that he was famous for driving snakes off this island. (Thus we got no snake in this country, yeay!).
There's usually a very big parade in the city every year. This is my fourth year here and I've never been to any of the famous St Patrick Day Parade. May be next year... but I just found out that SPD was orinally a religious celebration but being made national event by the government ( to attract flood of tourists??). So, hmm...
Anyway, I got study group today at Ezzah's place on Pembroke Road. SPD have to wait, daa~
5 years ago