Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I realised that my side panels are awfully out of date. Even some of the links are no longer exists. I'll do something about it once I feel like. But I do have to give myself some credits. I changed the layout of this blog recently. Hehe, it wasn't anything near challenging level.

Today is St Patrick Day. One of very few public holidays in ROI. Basically, it is a ay to remember the Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. All I know that he was famous for driving snakes off this island. (Thus we got no snake in this country, yeay!).

There's usually a very big parade in the city every year. This is my fourth year here and I've never been to any of the famous St Patrick Day Parade. May be next year... but I just found out that SPD was orinally a religious celebration but being made national event by the government ( to attract flood of tourists??). So, hmm...

Anyway, I got study group today at Ezzah's place on Pembroke Road. SPD have to wait, daa~

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Cory Doctorow says

Abnormal is so common, it's practically normal.
Little Brother, 2008

Never underestimate the determination of a kid who is time rich and cash poor.
Little Brother, 2008

All secrets are deep. All secrets become dark. That's in the nature of secrets.
Someone Comes To Town, Someone Leaves Town, 2005

It's not necessarily about what career you pick. It's about how you do what you do.
Someone Comes To Town, Someone Leaves Town, 2005

Aku Menjadi Lebih Berani

Nukilan: Latifah Hj Shebli

kali ini kau berbaju biru
dan bajuku ungu

sayang, hanya aku tahu
hatimu tidak setulus hatiku
yang berbaju ungu

bila begini,
sebilah pisaumu aku tidak gentar
sepatah kata bisa, aku merasa
hati dan rasa mengajarku
aku menjadi lebih berani

Saya suka sajak ni sejak di tingkatan empat lagi. Mungkinkah sebab tertarik dengan baju ungu dan baju biru? Haha, I am such a superficial and simplistic person.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

study group

Alhamdulillah, I just finished our 4-hour study group right here in my room. Thanks to Kak Aisyah and Ezzah who came all the way to share our knowledge and strengthen our sisterly bonding.

This afternoon, we managed to cover a few topics:
1. Spina Bifida
2. Cerebral Palsy
3. Paeds Surgery - Groin lumps
4. Non-bile vomiting
5. Respiratory Infections
6. Asthma

OSCE is 5 days away i.e on 19th March 2009.
May Allah bless our effort. Ameen.

Friday, March 13, 2009

apa nak jadi ni?

Percaya atau tidak, hari ini saya tak studi langsung. Langsung!
Totally nothing at all!!!
Sakit jiwa apa...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

lawatan sambil belajar

Hari ini saya dan beberapa kawan sekelas yang sedang membuat rotation pediatrik pergi melawat The Children Sunshine Home. Saya tak tahulah macam mana nak letak link kat blog ni. Tapi, inilah websitenya http://www.sunshinehome.ie/ Wah, rasa buta IT betul.

Saya taklah teruja sangat nak ke sana. Tapi, saya memang kagum dengan kesungguhan mereka menyediakan kemudahan dan perkhidmatan terbaik untuk kanak-kanak kurang upaya supaya mereka mendapat kualiti hidup yang optimum.

Bagi saya, hendak mula membuat sesuatu saja sudah susah, apatah lagi istiqamah mengerjakannya walau apa sekalipun cabaran yang datang adalah jauh lebih susah. Barangkali saya perlu lebih banyak menginsafi dan mencontohi orang-orang komited seperti staf-staf di TCSH.

ps: semalam saya sudah tampal kata-kata mutiara pada papan notis saya.


Taklah sedap sangat bunyinya, takpe, nanti saya cuba lagi...

Monday, March 9, 2009

smell something?

Rasa macam nak buat sesuatu dengan blog ni...

Belum tahu lagi nak buat ke tak. Kalau nak pulak, nak buat apa ye?
Hmm, mula-mula rasa nak buat tong sampah. Tapi macam kasihan sangatlah pulak. Mungkin boleh buat kertas conteng-conteng...

Tak apa, nanti fikir. Sekarang nak plan macamana nak pergi Children Sunshine Home kat Leopardstown esok. Hmm, dah tahu jalan tapi nak cari kawan. Atau, mungkin patut terima pelawaan Johnny untuk pergi sama-sama. Seganlah pulak. takpe, kita cari idea lain dulu.